Casting Spoons
AP Casting Spoons
With the same life-like action of the trolling spoons, the casting spoons open up many more angling situations. The spoons mimic a fleeing bait fish and is very effective for targeting salmon, trout, and any fish species that likes a life-like action.
The spoons are cut out of thick stainless steel and are suited for a huge variety of fishy situations: spin casting, jigging off a dock, swinging in the river and many more.
304 Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel Rings
Currently Available in 5 options:
2” AP Sandlance Spoon - 4.5g
2” AP Herring Spoon - 7g
3” AP Sandlance Spoon - 8.9g
3” AP Anchovy Spoon - 11g
3” AP Herring Spoon - 14.5g