Your Success
Your Success is our success!
Have you done well with one of the spoons? Use @aptackleworks on social media or Send us a photo and small description and we will share it here!

Tim with a nice 11lb winter Chinook salmon off the Victoria Waterfront in his pontoon boat on an AP Herring Spoon in Aqua, Green and Glow.

Tim with a Scotty 2016 catalog photo contest winning shot of a beautiful Chinook salmon from his pontoon boat in Esquimalt, BC.

Jim catching and quickly releasing one of many large chinook in Haida Gwaii on the AP Sandlance Spoon.

Mark with a big chinook in Sooke BC on an AP Sandlance Spoon

Robert of Great Expectations FIshing Charters with a beautiful Chinook salmon off the Victoria Waterfront.
Robert of Great Expectations FIshing Charters with a beautiful Chinook salmon off the Victoria Waterfront.

Dave of Ocean Dreams Charter Co. with a nice Chinook on a perfect Sooke day on an AP Sandlance Spoon.
Dave of Ocean Dreams Charter Co. on a classic Sooke day on an AP Sandlance Spoon.

A couple of happy guests of Great Expectations Fishing Charters with a couple Chinook Salmon in Victoria, BC.
A couple of happy guests of Great Expectations Fishing Charters with a couple Chinook Salmon in Victoria, BC.

Dave with a halibut and chinook double header on Constance Bank in Victoria, BC.

Lisa with a nice 20lb Spring off Beechy Head. Chartreuse Sand Lance

Art with a Tyee from Hornby Island on a Peetz flasher/Sandlance Combo!

Jasper with his first Coho reeled in by himself!

Chris and Jon with a limit of Chinook in Pender Harbour, BC

Antonio from Victoria, BC, with 22lb Chinook caught on an AP Sandlance Spoon

Rico from with a nice one off of Sooke, BC, on an AP Sandlance Spoon

Brent, visiting Victoria from Calgary with a nice Chinook