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1036 Munro Street
Victoria, BC, V9A 5N9

AP Tackleworks creates quality fishing tackle in Victoria BC, Canada. With a primary focus on trolling spoons to target Chinook Salmon, the AP Sandlance Spoon, AP Anchovy Spoon and AP Herring Spoon have proven effective for this species along with many others including Coho Salmon, Halibut, Lingcod, Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout and more. 



AP Tackleworks is committed to giving a portion of sales back to conservation initiatives. We believe that commerce and conservation are not mutually exclusive. A sustainable ecosystem that provides us with abundance is only possible if we are also giving back. 

For us, support comes in many forms. From Pacific Herring enhancement programs to local stream protection, we recognize that food sources of Pacific Salmon are as important as habitat.