@aptackleworks on Instagram
The Coho have arrived! They are flooding into the Juan De Fuca Strait in great numbers and there are some hogs out there. This big stud smashed a 3” Herring Spoon I’m Lucky Charm (green and gold), was unclipped and off he went powerfully with big tail full of water to the face! #keepemwet #apherringspoon #cohosalmon #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
Popped over to Lopez Island for a visit with our first dealer in the San Juan Islands! Islands Marine Center is all stocked up! #lopezisland #fishing #pnw #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
Whipped up a couple fancy 7” spoons for today’s fishing partners. Even threw some colour on the hooks! @nicefish66 @cameronyak #aptackleworks @aptackleworks #fishingbc
That was quick! #firstpass

Wakey Wakey, rise and shine! #dawnpatrol #tgif
Anyone else have a great long weekend of fishing?! Spoonscription paying off for Chris and Noah with this 23lb hatchery chinook on a 4” Anchovy Spoon in Lemon Lime. Some great fish coming in off the Victoria Waterfront. . . #spoonscription #takeakidfishing #apanchovyspoon #fishingvancouverisland #fishingvictoria #explorebc #fishinglife #chinook @aptackleworks
#Repost @ocean_dreams_charters with another beauty out of Sooke, BC.
#aptackleworks working it’s magic today 😎🎣🎣 #chinook #salmon #bbq
It doesn’t get much better than a great day on the water with your kids. Unless of course you sweep the local derby with dad taking the win and daughter taking home the under 12 category! And, all for a great cause too. Both caught on their trusty 4” Sandlance Cop Car 🚓! Nicely done Derek and fam! 👊👍 . . . #takeakidfishing #familyfishing #westcoastculture #fishing #powellriver

Miki’s current tip for southern Vancouver Island is to match the small 3-4” herring that are around! We passed this bait ball today in Oak Bay enroute from Pender Island to Esquimalt, BC and stopped to check it out. . . . #matchthehatch #apherringspoon #hopetobefishingthursday #herring @aptackleworks #aptackleworks #mikiblue
Despite an abundance of Chinook in BC right now, the unfounded, politically motivated, decision making by the DFO has crippled the BC fishing industry. Recent chinook regulations and the uncertainty created, meant most of our tackle shop partners in BC were forced to tell us “sorry, we can’t take any product this season until we know if we’ll be fishing”, and for good reason; most shops have experienced dismal tackle sales and are suffering, which leaves no budget available to spend. The result is that many racks stocking our gear in BC are almost scraped clean!
Thankfully there are a few ways to get our gear: -Call up your local tackle shop and place a custom order
-Order online! We ship anywhere (free in North America for orders $150 CAD or more) and also offer FREE LOCAL PICKUP in Victoria, BC
-Call us; we love chatting and take phone or text orders: 250-818-8145
-Last but not least...come see us! We love visitors to the workshop! .
. . #dfo @jonathanwnv #smallbusinesskillers #scienceoverpolitics #fishingbc #fishinglife #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
Now that’s a healthy looking 🏈!!#Repost @aquadongs
@aptackleworks #tyeespoon #glorydays
A much better shot of @strebor10 with his delicious looking derby winner! The last one was supposed to be a video...technology fail. #wearebetteratfishing
Hope everyone had a great weekend; looks like @bob_cat_vi and @strebor10 did! #Repost @bob_cat_vi ・・・
@strebor10 showing how it's done catching this 22 pound chinook to win the outdoorsman derby at the entrance to Nit-Nat. @aptackleworks spoon was down for a couple seconds then this guy hit!
#aptackleworks #gibbsdelta #salmon #tugisthedrug #beautifulbritishcolumbia #explorebc #portrenfrew #nitnat #fishing #fish #islanderreels #vancouverislandfishclub #vancouverisland #chinook #fishbc
#Repost @brookspeed off Haida Gwaii, BC with an unusual catch. 😳 It has quite the colour match with the Chinook! ・・・
Pacific pomfret caught trolling at 160’ with a 5” AP spoon ... warm water #aptackleworks #haidagwaii #wcfc
Sounds like some great Chinook fishing down in California right now! Ken and his son, Tom (shown here), have been filling the hold the last few days with the 420 Herring Spoon on FV Kahootz fishing in Monterey Bay, commercial salmon trolling. Looks like some great weather to go with it! . . #420 #burnemifyougotem #chinook #salmonfishing #fishinglife #fishingcalifornia #montereybay #dontforgetthesunscreen #apherringspoon #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
This batch of spoons is now somewhere between the workshop and @bnjsg in Anchorage, Alaska! Likely flying over some fishy waters right now! . . #alaskafishing #apsandlancespoon #apherringspoon #apanchovyspoon #madeincanada #stainlesssteel #savethebait #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
The boys have been working hard getting their jigging gear ready for a trip to the Broughtons. Some very creative UV/glow patterns going on! . . #familyfishing #takeakidfishing #customfishinglures #broughtonarchipelago #echobay #aptackleworks @aptackleworks
This looks like some great family fishing! Sent in from happy customer, Bruce and his brother who took their boys up to Prince Rupert for some great fishing. 5” Herring Spoon in Blue Flash was the ticket. Looks like a great time was had by all! . . #takeakidfishing #princerupert #fishingbc #apherringspoon #aptackleworks @aptackleworks #fishing #fishinglife #handmade #madeinbc
#007 strikes again! This custom batch of Dot 7 Tyee Spoons is making the migration north to Haida Gwaii today! 7” #mikiblue and Pilchard... 🔥. . . #fishinghaidagwaii #langarafishing #dot7tyee #aptackleworks #handmade #madeinbc @aptackleworks #travelsafe #takeuswithyou
#Repost @drew.cobb.90 Looks like great fishing continues in #princewilliamsound #takeakidfishing ・・・
@aptackleworks Kings in PWS on sandlance #aptackleworks