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1036 Munro Street
Victoria, BC, V9A 5N9

AP Tackleworks creates quality fishing tackle in Victoria BC, Canada. With a primary focus on trolling spoons to target Chinook Salmon, the AP Sandlance Spoon, AP Anchovy Spoon and AP Herring Spoon have proven effective for this species along with many others including Coho Salmon, Halibut, Lingcod, Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout and more. 

The Straits Salmon Combo


The Straits Salmon Combo


The Straits Salmon Combo


Get ready for an epic fishing adventure with this dynamic assortment of spoons, designed specifically for salmon fishing in the legendary Juan De Fuca Strait, straddling the shores of both Canada and the USA. This set features a powerful blend of AP Herring, AP Sandlance, and AP Anchovy Spoons in a variety of sizes, expertly crafted to mimic the baitfish that salmon are chasing throughout the year. Whether you're battling big chinook or chasing cohos, these spoons are your ultimate weapon for landing that monster catch!

All spoons are made in Victoria, BC with all stainless steel spoons, rings and hooks.

Spoons Included: Top to bottom

4” AP Sandlance Spoon - MVP

3” AP Anchovy Spoon - Lemon Lime

4” AP Herring Spoon - MVP

4” AP Herring Spoon - White Hoochie

3” AP Herring Spoon - Neon Army Truck

2” AP Herring Spoon - Lemon Lime

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